With SlideShow-Manager you can structure your menu using chapters. From AquaSoft SlideShow you already know that you can structure your slide shows with "Chapter" objects. SlideShow-Manager takes these "Chapter" objects into consideration and displays them in the project tree on the left side of SlideShow-Manager underneath the respective slide show. "Chapter" objects appear in the finished menu and can be utilized to directly jump from the menu to a certain position in the show.
In addition to "Chapter" objects you can also define more chapters inside of SlideShow-Manager. These chapters can contain slide shows and sub-chapters.
The following steps explain how to add chapters to your project.
1. | Load or create a new SlideShow-Manager menu. |
2. | Add a new chapter to your project by clicking the button.
A new chapter will appear in your project tree.
Now you can fill the new chapter with contents by selecting one or more slide shows or chapters in the project tree and dragging them to the chapter.
Alternatively, you can select the new chapter and then click the button to add slide shows. Click on to add sub-chapters to the new chapter.