Types of templates

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SlideShow-Manager distinguishes between three types of templates:

Provided templates are part of SlideShow-Manager. You can find these templates in the template catalog under the category "Templates". If you edit one of them SlideShow-Manager creates a copy at first. You can then save this template as user or project template.
User templates are templates that you designed. They are available for all your projects. You can edit these templates when ever you want and save them  as user or project templates.
Project templates are only available in the boundaries of a certain project. These templates are always stored in a folder with the name of your project. This folder is a sub-folder of your project folder. By default all new templates and those that are edited versions of provided templates will be saved as project templates.

You can edit a template by selecting it in the template catalog and clicking the "Edit template" button, by double-clicking it or by clicking the item "Edit" in the context menu of the template.


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