Download Center

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In the Template Download Center you can provide your templates to other SlideShow-Manager users and download templates that other users have created.

To get to the Download Center click here.

If you would like to download templates, please follow these steps:

1.On the start page of the Download Center login with your user name and password, or register first if you do not have access yet.
2.Now you can search the Download Center for templates for SlideShow-Manager.

If you want to provide your own templates you need to export these templates first, using SlideShow-Manager.
You can do this as follows:

1.In the template catalog select the template you want to export and click it with the right mouse button.
Then click the item "Export".
Templateexport aus Katalog
Alternatively you can open the template in the Template Editor and click "File" -> "Export" in the menu.
Vorlage aus Editor exportieren
2.In the following dialog type the name for your template and one for the category that the template shall appear under on other users' computers.
Also, specify a file name for the exported template.
Then click "OK".
SlideShow-Manager now assembles a template package which you can upload to the Download Center.
3.Prepare a screenshot of your template that you can upload as a preview. Its size shouldn't be larger then 800x600 pixels.
4.Now login to the Download Center and click "Meine Vorlagen". In the navigation area then click "Neue Vorlage".
Eingabemaske Vorlagenupload
From the drop-down list select "Typ der Vorlage wählen" "DiaShow-Manager - Vorlage".
Then type the title of your template and, optionally, a description.
Also, select the template file you want to export and the prepared screenshot. It will later be displayed in the Download Center.
5.Click "Vorlage speichern". Now your template and screenshot will be transferred to the Download Center.


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