Live preview

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Live preview

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Live preview icon in the Player control panel

Live preview icon in the Player control panel

You have the option to view your project or specific sections live in the Layout designer. This works via the Playhead, which you can move manually in the Timeline. To activate the live preview with Playhead, click the Playhead-eye icon located at the bottom of the Layout designer.

Then select the objects you want to view in Timeline and move the playhead back and forth to the desired position in Timeline to view the preview. You control the speed of the preview via the speed of the movement with the playhead.

Use the live preview in Video editing to search for suitable places in a video for cutting.

In Stages you can also find the Motion Path Preview.


There is a limit to the number of objects that can be displayed in the live preview. The number depends on the value set for "Objects simultaneuosly" under Tools / Program settings / Layout designer.