Available languages

Here you can find additional language packs which you can add to your program installation.
These packages are in various stages of completeness and are being updated continuously. Below each package the progress and the user names of the translators are listed. If you wish we'll replace them with your real name.
If you'd like to help with the translation, please continue reading on our invitation page.
In order to implement an already existing language package of your choice into the program, please download it, extract it and copy the folder with the name of the language code to the folder "locale" in the installation folder of the program. The directories for de, en, es, fi, fr, it, ko, nl, pl, ru, sl, tr, uk and zh_CN will already be there.
If you installed the program in the default program directory, e.g. "C:\Program Files\AquaSoft\Video Vision 16", you have to copy the folder with administrator privileges.