Project settings

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Project settings

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You can define the project settings individually for each of your projects. The settings you make here are always effective only for the active project.

Under Project / Settings you call up the window for the project settings. You can also access the settings directly via the slider button in the toolbar.

Main settings in Video Vision

Main settings in Video Vision


1 Main settings

The display quality can be adjusted here to the performance of your computer. The higher the quality, the more computing power is required. This setting does not play a role in video calculation. Here we are concerned with the quality when playing back via the AquaSoft Vision- Player.  If the display quality is  too high for your PC, the presentation may play with jerks.

Here you can specify that the entire project is exported with motion blur. This motion blur effect is applied during video creation, so it is only visible in an exported video. Use the Low / Medium / High / Extreme options to determine how much this effect is applied to animations (e.g. camera pans and fade-ins). None calculates a video without motion blur.

Aspect ratio
You can also set the Aspect ratio of your project here. In AquaSoft Stages  there is the possibility to enter a user-defined aspect ratio here. The aspect ratio should correspond to that of the output medium. See the "Aspect ratio" chapter for detailed instructions.

2 Flow

Here you can specify the Default duration of your images, as well as choose a random playback order of the images.

Decide whether to close or replay the presentation after it ends. You can also let the viewer decide what to do after the presentation ends.

If you select Reinitialize current presentation and repeat, the show will be replayed, but random elements (e.g. random transitions, effects with random values) will be recalculated beforehand. This setting is relevant for the Monitor directory effect, for example.

Control randomness  STAGES 

With AquaSoft Stages you can fix the sequence of random elements for the entire project. Random inserts, particles, or effects with random settings are played identically each time they are played. See also Control randomness

3 Transitions  VIDEO VISION   STAGES 

Select here which transisions should be included in the Random transision selection. All styles with a check mark will be used. This selection is called Global Random Selection within the program.

For details on the project settings Music and sound and Background music, please refer to the corresponding chapter.

4 Description  VIDEO VISION   STAGES 

You can personalize your project individually. Enter a title, author and description of your project here. The data is mainly informative, but can also be retrieved by the variables %titel%, %autor%, %beschreibung% and %copyright%.


If you would like to start your presentation with your own Logo, you can select the appropriate image here. You can also choose not to use a logo at all.

6 3D settings

Depending on the selected Vertical aperture angle, the perspective distortion has a greater or lesser effect throughout the project. This optical distortion is noticeable in the 3D scene, in the 3D effects and also in 3D transitions.

7 Standard-Player (DirectX)

Settings for Player in Video Vision

Settings for Player in Video Vision

Settings for Player in Stages

Settings for Player in Stages

The playback of a presentation is done by the Live-Player. Here you can make settings for this.

Select here whether the presentation should be played in full screen mode (recommended) or in windowed mode.

Under Antialiasing you can set the strength of the same. This is used to eliminate annoying artifacts on edges. The best way to see the difference is to rotate a white square against a black background and pay attention to the edges. By default, the None option is set. In order, the other options (2x, 4x, 8x, 16x) provide more edge smoothing to the image, with significantly increasing computational effort. For older graphics cards, the None option should be set. It depends on the graphics card how the edge smoothing finally looks like.

Display on
With AquaSoft Stages you can specify which screen is to be used for full-screen playback through multi-monitor support. This can also be a beamer, for example. The program lets you easily identify the primary and secondary screen when you click Advanced. If Vision is selected, playback will always be on the primary screen.

Navigation bar  VIDEO VISION   STAGES 
You can still make settings for the Navigation bar. Define which controls of the Navigation bar are displayed and when it is shown.

Under Control you can select whether the presentation should start automatically when played or wait for an input if you want to control the presentation manually. You can also activate the control of the screen change via mouse click here.

IntelliLoad means that images, videos, etc. are preloaded in the background and prepared for playback. This prevents image stagnation or stutters that could be caused by waiting times. The higher the value, the more space is used in the working memory. It is not advisable to enter a very high value. A practical value is 10 to 20 seconds preload time. A logo can be displayed during the preload waiting time (see above).
Ignore IntelliLoad at start prevents preloading before playback starts.

8 Saving the project settings


Click once on the arrow at the bottom left. In the menu that opens, you can choose whether you want to save the current settings as default or reset them to the factory settings.